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How to Create a Powerful Brand Identity – AdMonks

Branding agency in Dubai

Hello everyone, one of the best branding agency in DubaiAdMonks is back to you with yet another blog regarding how to Create a Powerful Brand Identity.

A strong brand identity does not happen overnight. You can’t pick a few colors and put a logo together. You need to approach your design strategically. It requires a team with deep thinking, strong communication and design skills, and a close understanding of your brand.

With the right guidance, you can move through the process effectively and create a better brand identity. Fortunately, we can provide that guidance.

What Is a Brand Identity?

Branding Pro-Marti Numeire defines brand identity as “the outward appearance of a brand, including its name, trademark, appearance, and interactions.” For us, brand identity is the sum of how your brand looks, feels, and speaks to people. (Sometimes it includes sound, taste, experience, and even smell.)

Ultimately, a brand identity is a way to communicate with the world, differentiate yourself from your competition, and create a brand experience that encourages people to interact with you.

What Does a Brand Identity Include?

A logo and color palette alone does not create a brand identity. When designing your identity, you need to create a comprehensive visual language that can be applied to everything from your website to packaging. Depending on your brand (the type of content you intend to create), your needs may be broader, but a basic brand identity includes:

  • Logo
  • Colors
  • Typography
  • Design System
  • Photography
  • Illustration
  • Iconography
  • Data visualization
  • Interactive elements
  • Video and motion
  • Web design

The Keys to a Strong Brand Identity 

That is, just because you designed those elements does not mean they are effective. You need to have a strong brand identity for your internal team (e.g. brand ambassadors, content creators) and the people you interact with (e.g. users). When you start the design process, make sure your brand identity is:

  • Distinct: It stands out among competitors and catches people’s attention.
  • Memorable: It makes a visual impact. (Consider Apple: The logo is so memorable they only include the logo—not their name—on their products.)
  • Scalable and flexible: It can grow and evolve with the brand.
  • Cohesive: Each piece complements the brand identity.
  • Easy to apply: It’s intuitive and clear for designers to use.

How to Build a Brand Identity

We have prepared this step-by-step guide for you to discredit the process and create a brand identity. While this process may seem intimidating, we have been through it many times with our creative partners (through our rebranding), so we know firsthand what mistakes to avoid and how to make it easier on everyone.

If you are in the early stages of preparing to rebrand your brand and are not sure where to start, follow these tips to move the process smoothly and build a strong brand identity that sets you up for success.

  • Complete Your Brand Strategy
  • Dig Into Your Current Brand Identity
  • Know Your Personas
  • Identify Your Competition
  • Write Your Creative Brief
  • Brainstorm Your Visuals

So in this digital era, a strong and excellent brand will always exist. The brand that users know is your brand. Through branding, customers will understand your business. Often many companies do not realize the importance of branding their company. We will help you to properly brand your company. Feel free to contact us at AdMonks, the best branding agency in Dubai.

How to choose the right branding agency – AdMonks

Branding agency in Dubai

A great branding agency can help you change your business and reach new markets and customers. But how do you decide the right one? Don’t worry, AdMonks can help you. We are the best branding agency in Dubai.

Why work with a branding agency?

Hiring an agency is an important investment. The return on that investment will not be immediate. This can be an invaluable move, even in the early days of your business. Here are some reasons why becoming an agency is the best option for your company.

Keeps business-as-usual ticking over

By hiring an agency, you reserve your in-house resources for the best day-to-day tasks they do.

Expertise and efficiency

An agency can do things faster and more efficiently than your in-house team because they do this every day and get into the fine art.

Market knowledge

Agency professionals have an incredible knowledge base – they meet and work with a wide variety of businesses and learn from everyone. They will have a balanced overview of what’s out there and what’s best for different types of companies.

A fresh perspective

An outsider party cannot identify things about your business. They will have a clear vision of your strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities, and their observations will positively impact your entire business strategy.

So, if you have decided that hiring an agency is right for you, here are some key points on how to do it.

Consider location

Sometimes, a geographically local agency is the best choice because it means you can find and work with their team individually. Later, some businesses prefer agencies to work remotely so that they can utilize the special skills available in big cities, or because they have the agency in the same location as the company’s target market, giving them a natural advantage in shared Culture.

Be proactive, not reactive

The decision to hire a branding agency should be something that you strategically make. Of course, it is in an ideal world. Typically, the question of whether to hire a design or creative agency comes in reply to a specific need. You may have decided to rebrand, you are ready for a shiny new logo, or you are launching a new product with a lot of potentials. While an event may trigger this, make a decision based on the needs of your entire business.

Know where to find branding agencies

Nowadays, it’s much easier to find an agency than your smartphone. You can find lists of creative agencies for hire through online portals such as Agency Finder, AdForum, or Digital Agency Network.

How to compare different branding agencies

Being unique, new, and different is something that an agency can excel at, and many agencies pride themselves on being one of a kind. But the lack of general terms and service descriptions can sometimes make it difficult for potential clients to compare offers and choose between different agencies. Here are some ways to make sure you don’t compare apples to oranges.


Ask the agency about their billing model to see how prices are calculated. Many people use a day rate and charge a fee depending on how much time they spend there. The entire agency may have a mixed day rate or a higher day rate for more senior and talented staff members, such as creative directors.

The day rate may be used to estimate a quote or estimate of work initially approved by you and your agency, or it can be used on an open ‘time and materials’ basis, which expires – the expiration of the project will expand over time.

Another way of billing is to charge a fixed fee. This is where the cost of a product or service is always equal, and this implies that the agency has a well-established process that is usually used by all their clients.

Skills and team composition

Many creative agencies offer a wide range of services, but often they have certain skills that are important, new, and developing. To get a taste of where an agency’s strengths lie, try looking at the individuals who make up their team.

Check out the agencies’ About Us page on their website, or review their profiles on LinkedIn, and see what kind of skill-sets they represent and how many staff members work in each specialism.

For example, are there many senior-level coders and developers but only one copywriter or designer? This may indicate that the agency is more of a design-build or application development project than a creative project.

Awards and associations

Has the agency won any awards? If so, they are likely to be proudly displayed on their website or social profiles. Awards usually classify agencies, for example, the Best Social Media Campaign or Best Small Agency Model. It also applies to associations and professional bodies that may be part of the agency, which group different types of businesses according to their specifications and interests.

Found the agency of your dreams? Don’t worry, AdMonks is here. We are the best branding agency in Dubai.

2019 trends to follow in advertising- AdMonks

Best advertising agency UAE

AdMonks-Advertising agency UAE offers the best advertising services in the UAE. Today, in this read we’ll help you with the latest trends in advertisements to help you stand out among the competitors. 

Let’s get started with the topic- 2019 Advertising trends to follow. 

  • The introduction & the rise of AR & VR – this trend is revolutionizing the whole advertising. The usage of AR & VR helps in improving the engagement of users with the help of high-quality, immersive storytelling offers them a unique user shopping experience.
  • AI Artificial Intelligence – Today AI is taking over the world. Like- chatbots, process automation, etc. AIs helps you in- 
    • Improves efficiency
    • Increases productivity
    • 100% customer satisfaction
    • Taking the customer-centric advertising into the next level
  • Content is the king- For nearly all of the advertisers, the content has been the key focus. Content plays a huge role in influencing buyers to buy products. Blogs can be a vital help in influencing people. 
  • Increase in video marketing–  The influence of video incredibly Creates Trust & Awareness for the brand and products at the same time.
    • Video outperforms other types of marketing since it brings more engagements.
    • The highlight in video marketing is that it can convey a huge content in lesser time and are more interesting to customers rather than reading them or picturizing the same large content.
    • Search engines like google index the thumbnail of videos and make it easy to rank top in search results and thereby make SEO stronger.

Where to Create Quality Videos? 

Ad-Monks the leading advertising agencies in the UAE helps you in making highly influencing Videos that suit for you.

  • Influencer Marketing – The Updated and Hybrid marketing tool that maintains the same ideology of celebrity endorsement. But in Influencer Marketing these influencers can be anyone unlike celebrities, can be any personals, anywhere in the World with quality and unique contents in Web and Social media.
    • The influencer market is the exact content driven Marketing Campaign done by Personals who have the ability to influence customers via Social Media or directly through their actions or by events.   
    • This Marketing technique is used by Brands in collaborating with one or more influencer and put together a strategy by research and thereby marketing directly to people following them through Web service or Social Media.
    • The Main advantage of Influencer Marketing is that people talking to people Rather than a Brand talking to people which bring more trust and branding.  
  • Voice search advertising – Voice Assistance have a great impact on Marketing. Internet giants like Google and Amazon have their own Voice search modules like Google Home and Amazon Echo which provide voice assistance for things on the web. Apple Siri and Microsoft Cortana are the other voice assistance which either gives voice to voice reply or voice to search results. Ranking in these Voice searches is a crucial fact for brands to maintain brand value and also help customers to reach for further dealing.
  • Connected TV advertising – Connected TV’s can be a Smart TV or gaming console like Xbox or Playstation plugged to television and have internet access. These can be considered as the main streams for video ads

Need helping hands with the best advertising serves in UAE?

Well, as we mentioned above AdMonks Advertising LLC stands at the top among the other advertising agency UAE. If you need any helping hand with advertising services you can-

  • Contact us here-
    • PH: +971 4 2941920, +971 55 550 7427
  • Mail us to-
    • info@ad-monks.com

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