SEO Myths in 2019- Admonks


We’ve been keenly observing & trying to understand the pulse of Dubai, UAE on SEO service Dubai, UAE. And, we’ve received so many FAQ’s & concern about the whole “SEO & it’s practice”.

We’ve understood the fact that there is a ton of SEO myths and misconceptions among the residents of Dubai, UAE about the SEO service Dubai.

This whole SEO myths & misconceptions are prevailing all over the world. We, Admonks being one of the leading providers in  SEO service UAE believe that it’s our duty to assist you in clarifying some very common myths & concerns about SEO.

We all know what is SEO & how it can help your business or services. If you’re new to our blog you can read it in our previous post on SEO-

admonks- seo service dubai says about myths on seo

So, let’s get started with our topic- Popular Myths on SEO

1- SEO is a one time process-  This is one of the most common things that you’ll get to hear about SEO. To help you understand this you need to consider 2 cases/scenario.

  • #1st case- In this case, let’s imagine you got a project for 1 month & within the one month you were not able to get the desired results. So, you’ve stopped doing so.
  • #2nd case- In the 2nd case you started doing SEO & it gave you surprising results you got happy & you stopped continuing the process.

Yes in both the cases you need to understand that SEO is not at all a one time process it needs to be practiced regularly & needs to carried out with great care & always make sure that you do it on a regular basis.  

SEO is not at all a one time process it’s a continuous process.

2- SEO is dead- This is one of the most commonly heard myths on the Internet. And, it’s very much pathetic how people say that it’s dead without any proof.

  • SEO the name itself stands for Search Engine Optimization so there is no chance that the whole SEO is gonna end at a single go.  
  • SEO process needs to be updated as time passes but it doesn’t mean that there is no scope for SEO.

Always, keep this in mind SEO stays alive as long as there are search engines.

3- SEO is all just about ranking- This is yet another misconception of many people. SEO ultimately helps you to rank better in searches & yes the search & SEO are related to each other.

But, the ranking should not be your ultimate goal.
Wondering why we said so?

Well, it’s very much simple logic ranking alone cannot help you to grow. With ranking you may get-

  • Ton load of traffic but what if you didn’t earn a single penny from it. Yes that’s right

SEO practices should always be focused on relevancy. Your, keywords need to have high relevance with respect to the business that you do.

4- Social signals have no SEO value- The relationship between social signals & SEO is very much debatable & hot topics in digital marketing terms.

Why there is so much of confusion about it?

Let’s make it simple for you- According to the giant of search engines- Google says that, they don’t consider the  Facebook “likes” or Twitter “tweets” as a ranking factor & this is half correct statement according to us.

Confused? Well, search engines don’t count the social media engagement of a website but they influence the ranking indirectly.

Here’s how-

  • Social signals activities like facebook – likes, shares or Twitter- tweets are similar to the backlinks that you’re doing the difference is that their purpose is to drive more traffic rather than improving ranking.
  • Content visibility helps in improving the user engagements and results in the links and shares.

This will always remain a hot & debatable topic but we suggest that it’s always better to be active in the social media platforms when doing SEO services.

5- A good content automatically ranks better- This is yet another blunder that you’ll get to hear if you’re into SEO process.

Yes, the content is the king in SEO but it’s partially true. Yeah, content plays a very important role in site user-engagement but you need a good SEO practice to back it up.

But, you need to keep this in mind- A great content + Well executed SEO strategy= Better web ranking.

Here, in this read, we’ve listed the most common 5 myths about the whole SEO process. The list of existing SEO myths is never ending we will be sharing more on the same in the coming days.

Keep reading our blogs & keep sending us queries you’ve related to our services.

And, if you’re a business owner looking for SEO service Dubai, UAE!

Then please get in touch with us Admonks- SEO service UAE. We offer you world-class SEO services in Dubai.

Rank better with the best in industry- Admonks Dubai, UAE.

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